Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Your Cheatin' Heart

Recently God has been focusing my attention on the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.  In part this has been because of the changes that have taken place in my own marriage.  The sudden change that takes place in the marriage when a spouse becomes paralyzed can focus your attention on the nature of your relationship and the commitment to the vows you have made.  But lately I have also witnessed more than my share of marriages breaking up for a variety of reasons.

 Over at the Washington Times, Cheryl Wetzstein has been looking into the recent announcement that David Letterman had been found to be cheating on his long-time girlfriend (now wife).  She comments on this by referencing a study done by the University of Chicago on Co-habitation.  The finding show that

"of 3,500 people found that 94.6 percent of cohabiters and 98.7 percent of married people expected sexual exclusivity from their partners.

But the survey found that expecting fidelity didn't mean getting fidelity, especially among unmarried people. Of married men, 4 percent said they had cheated on their wives in the past year. Of cohabiting men, 16 percent had cheated. And of single men with steady girlfriends, 37 percent had cheated."
Perhaps even more astounding is the fact that this tendency toward infidelity does not diminish when those who previously co-habitated finally get married.  Why is this?  The answer is fairly simple.  It is because marriage is created by God for something more simply sharing of expenses.

In the 1549 English Prayer Book, the beginning of the Service of Matrimony reminds all those gathered for the event that
"[Marriage] is not to be enterprised, nor taken in hand unadvisedly, lightly, or wantonly, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites, like brute beasts that have no understanding; but reverently, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God, duly considering the causes for the which matrimony was ordained."

How often is Marriage undertaken for reasons that satisfy only our "carnal lusts and appetites"?  Does the Church spend enough time teaching the purposes of marriage?  Or have we simply made marriage the door prize for not having sex out of wedlock?

Since the two people who are joined together are intended to live as a Sacrament, perhaps we as the Church need to spend a lot more time preparing couples to live this life according to God's purposes.

Photographs used under Wiki Commons license.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My First Post

Ok.  This is the first time I'm attempting to do a blog.  It's kind of an outlet for me while I've got some free time on my hands.  If you find something here that interests you...please enter into the conversation.  I will, however, have a few rules (you knew that one was coming didn't you).
  • Argue persuasively.  If you've got an opinion feel free to share it but do it with the intent to persuade NOT to denegrate.
  • Vulgarity is the last resort of an exhausted vocabulary.  Although mild inflections may be used, vulgarity will be deleted.
  • If you make a statement of fact, be prepared to back it up.
Alright.  Now that that's off my chest, let me tell you a bit about me.  I am a 42 year old Anglican Priest who lives in the Metro Detroit area.  For those who care about such things, I am a member of the Missionary Society of St. John the Evangelist, part of Forward in Faith North America and a priest in the Anglican Church of North America.  I serve as a Curate (Associate Priest) of Saint John the Apostle in Clinton Township.

For the last 14 years I have been overjoyed to be married to the most wonderful, Sicilian sprite.  We have two beautiful daughters who are the precious gems of my life.  Anna recently became a quadrapalygic so we are learning new things about committment and the Sacrament of Marriage.

I am an voratious reader and enjoy the beach, fall, World of Warcraft, preaching the Word of God and pretty much anything that brings the warmth of hearth and home.
